Monday, December 15, 2014

In the Beginning

by Scott Wood, shaper of young minds in Kids Cove 

As many of you are aware, as we age our senses dull a little.  Many of us require devices to aide with the natural process of aging.  We have glasses for our eyes, and hearing aids for our ears.  But there has yet to be an invention to help our aging “sniffers.”  I wonder why that is?  Isn’t smell just as important as vision or hearing?  Most people would say not.  Why is that?  Is it because people don’t relate smell to Christ? 

This got me thinking!  I have heard many things (people talking, the sound of nature, laughter, etc.) with my own ears and thought, that reminds me of the wonders of Jesus.  Likewise, I have seen many things with my own eyes and thought, only God could have done that!  But how many times, after smelling an aroma or scent, could I honestly say, now that smelled like Jesus!  Initially I thought, not many.  But as I began to search my old database upstairs, I began to realize that there were more memories of the aroma of Christ than I originally thought.  In fact, there were more than that of sight or sound combined. 

Let me explain.  Who has ever smelt the breath of a puppy?  The smell of a new born baby?  Pizza?  Hot dogs at a stadium?  Vinegar at Easter while you are dying eggs?  Christmas scented candles this time of year?  The aroma of your kids as you kiss them good night?   We have all smelt these things and they are all very distinct and unique.  But they all have one thing in common.  They are the aroma of Christ!  You see, like it says in John 1:3 (NIV): “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”  So all these aromas, all these smells and scents, they originated from Our Lord!  So I challenge all of you, the next time you smell something, let your mind focus on the originator of that aroma. 

And remember kids, “people smell better than reindeers.”  Merry Christmas!

Scott Wood and his family have been members of Cove Church for 9 years.  He is an active and enthusiastic volunteer in Kids Cove, where he has been known to sport a wig and a tutu.   

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