A few years ago, I was up one night admiring our Christmas tree. There was the angel on top, lightly glowing; a number of glitter-speckled balls; an iridescent garland wrapped around the tree; and a handful of specialty ornaments of both the unique and cute variety. With Christmas music playing softly in the background, I watched the colors light up the room. It was a peaceful moment, and as late as it was, it wasn't long before I let my imagination out to play.
I was very close to the tree, looking deep inside its branches, when suddenly I was passing through a galaxy of lights and decorations, speeding fast toward the heart of the tree. All came to a stop, where before me was a simple, nondescript ornament hanging in space. It wasn't flashy or shiny, cute or iridescent. It lay there silently, almost hidden from sight. But once past all the distractions, the worries, and the substitutes, I could see it. A lowly manger, with a Child and his earthly parents. Like a Christmas whisper, the true meaning of Christmas filled my senses, and I had ears to hear.
The noise of the season acts quickly and harshly to drown out the sound of the One Voice we so desperately need to hear. We are deafened and distracted by the deadlines and demands of the year end drive, so much so that the distinguishing spirit of Christmas becomes lost in the assault. But it doesn't have to be that way.
I pray that you will find a quiet moment each day to look deep into the story of Christmas, and with a listening heart rediscover the true meaning and hope of this special time, meant for you and all the world. For unto us a Child is born, and a Son is given.
"The angel reassured them, 'Don't be afraid!' he said. ’I bring you good news of great joy for everyone! The Savior -- yes, the Messiah, the Lord -- has been born tonight in Bethlehem, the city of David! And this is how you will recognize him: You will find a baby lying in a manger, wrapped snugly in strips of cloth!' Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others -- the armies of heaven -- praising God: 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to all whom God favors'" (Luke 2:10-14, NLT)Ah, the sound! The heavens erupting in a chorus of praise for this singular, spectacular entrance of the divine into the world! And in the stillness that follows, if you listen with your heart, you can hear the sound of the Father calling us home: calling us up, calling us in, calling us on. It is the sound of the Father’s voice calling us to what’s next on the path the newborn Savior has set before us.
Do you hear what I hear? Listen closely, with all your heart, and you just might.
Jim Chase and his family have been members of Cove Church @ Chase since the launch of the campus in September, 2011. He serves as a member of the church board and also as a Lay Delegate to the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Kind of neat, I just happened to be listening to the song "Do you hear what I hear" as I was reading this. As I read the last line Vanessa Williams sang right along. Nice moment. Apparently the next blog is going to be based on "All I want for Christmas" from Love Actually :)