Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown

by Chris Welch, Chase running whiz

“But since you excel in…the love we have kindled in you- see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” - 2 Corinthians 8:7 

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year, especially when you're part of a fun small group. Several years ago, my group had one of those deeply spiritual events we all look forward to -- a Dirty Santa Christmas party. You know, everybody brings a present and hopes to leave with something way cooler (or more expensive).

One of our members had gotten really creative with the exchange gift, making a mini Christmas tree out of wood and adorning it with lights. Wow, I thought, that would look so good on my porch.

When it came to my turn, I either opened the tree or stole it from another member (all part of the game, of course).  I sat admiring that tree just like Charlie Brown used to admire that poor, pitiful tree that he chose in the classic holiday special, A Charlie Brown Christmas. But in my case, this was a cool tree that would look really cool on my porch.

For some reason, I thought if I looked like I really wanted the tree nobody would steal it from me. I mean, this was an awesome Christian group of caring souls and nobody would steal my tree from me, right? Well, it's those sweet Christians that fool you. As I was admiring that pretty little tree and picturing it at my house -- did I mention how cool it would look on my porch? -- one of the “sweet” ladies in my group walked over to my tree, grabbed it, and I think cackled with glee. Can you believe that? MY Tree! I thought, ha, ha, they'll act like they were taking it and give it back. Good Christian souls, right? Nope, she kept it.

Well, I think I walked out of there with a lame box of peppermints or something. I really can't remember, because I was so bummed about that tree.

I went and drowned my sorrows -- with a Route 44 Cherry Limeade at the local Sonic -- and eventually got back home.

When I got out of the car, I couldn't believe it. Sitting on my porch was that awesome little wooden tree, just like I imagined. Its cute little wooden, green self was there just waiting for me to plug it in.

I was really touched. To be honest, it was something I could have lived without, but my friends thought otherwise and showed me something we should always do at Christmas -- make somebody else's Christmas special in thought, word, or, in this case, a little tree.

Chris attends the Chase campus where he volunteers in Kids Cove and is part of
a great small group   After more than 30 years of writing for The Huntsville Times, Chris is now blessed to work at Fleet Feet helping hurting souls with their soles.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being a part of the Yule Blog Chris! Thankful for your model of selfless love and service for others.
