Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Aroma of Jesus

by Angela Hawke, Executive Director of the CARE Center

New babies, honeysuckle, candied roasted almonds, apple pie fresh out of the oven, a pile of fall leaves…all these things touch my heart and spirit when I smell them.  They are reminders of new life and God’s love and I find myself refreshed with these distinct aromas.  Memories are triggered from the sense of smell, and it seems like we can instantly be transported to a moment in time with just a whiff.  This is even more significant at Christmastime, particularly with the distinguishable scents of homemade feasts, pies, and other items that have become treasured traditions.

My husband Tom recalls a childhood memory of eating freshly baked cookies from a favorite family recipe while everyone worked together to decorate the tree.  Ahhh, there is nothing better than the smell of grandma’s cookies and fresh pine!

Tom also shares how he has experienced some painful memories caused by unpleasant smells related to war, scents experienced during holidays away from our family and while in service to our nation.  He believes he is “meant to have this as a reminder to always be thankful for our service members and the sacrifices they make each and every day.” 

Working in ministry at The CARE Center, I often find my sensory receptors for smell activated in countless situations prompting an array of emotions. These smells are not always pleasant, but I know God has called me to serve for His glory and I quickly disregard offensive odors, putting His plans and others first. Jesus’ work on Earth was more than an act of servant leadership; He is our Savior after all. His connection to others was not necessarily attractive and sweet smelling.  Instead, we know that He experienced some of the most grueling and inhumane treatment ever recorded, which most certainly included undesirable odors.

As we anticipate honoring our Savior’s very first birthday, I encourage you to close your eyes and try to imagine the odors surrounding Mary, Joseph, and Jesus: dirt, hay, animals, and….well, you get the picture.  The gifts brought to Jesus by the wise men on that cool night long ago, two essential oils and gold, are considered valuable, practical, and fragrant.  In my opinion, these gifts represent the Trinity and are characteristic of God’s sacrificial love, His miraculous healing, and the aroma of His unmerited favor upon us.  We are made in God’s image and it should be our desire to acquire the aroma of Jesus.  As we walk with Him and talk with Him, the more we will smell like Him. 

Our prayer this Christmas is to ask Him to reveal an awakening like never before, and that we will experience Him with our whole hearts, bringing forth only Jesus’ aroma through our service to His kingdom.  We hope you will join us in this prayer. 
“…and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2

Tom and Angela Hawke have 3 boys and have been attending Cove since 2010. They  followed the lead of their oldest son, who was involved in Cove’s Student Ministry. Angela is the Executive Director for The CARE Center.

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